Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Chant of Creation


The harmony which reigns in the universe
reflect the wisdom and majesty of the divine being.

The sun and the moon,
the immensity of the stars and galaxies
measured in millions of light years,
the ordered movement of planets,
vast harmonies of energies.

And our earth,
the beautiful warm earth,
receiving water from the clouds.
And water
springing and bubbling forth from the earth,
water of the seas,
water bringing life,
to the garden, a wonderful garden
with myriads of trees and flowers and fruits,
birds singing,
animals of all kinds,
tiny insects;
all are marvellously linked together,
married in one whole body.

Our earth brings forth food and wine
to nourish what is most beautiful in creation,
man and woman,
given to each other
to celebrate this oneness of body.
Their unity
becomes a dance upon the earth;
their intimate communion
becomes a song of praise and love,
mounting towards God
like incense
gathered into the unity of the Trinity.

And all this life
from within
brings forth new life;
flowers and animals
birds and fishes
giving life
from generation to generation,
male and female
in love with each other,
bearing fruit,
much fruit—
the incredible creativity of God.

Yes, the deepest song of everything in creation
reflect the unity of the Trinity:
three persons poured out in love for one another.

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