Wednesday, November 28, 2007


A History of Jemaat Kristen Indonesia (JKI)

Eventhough JKI was the youngest Mennonite congregation in Indonesia after GITJ and GKMI, yet it experienced the fastest growth. Within 40 years period, JKI now has 55 churches, 110 branches and 10 churches abroad. Statistics of 2002, it has 9723 members and 2332 children. Currently, the total number predicted are 15,000 members.

The moderator of JKI synod, Rev. Dr. Adi Sutanto really believes that the moment is time for harvest, as once said by Fuller professor of Church Growth, Donald McGavran, “Now the most important task of the church is effectively multiplying members among the people that is open on this earth.” This is why JKI has emphases on evangelism and congregational development. JKI Synod gives full freedom to the local congregations to develop ways of reaching out souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. The history and development of JKI can be briefly told as follows.

The revival of religiosity among youth surrounding Mount Muria in 1960-1970s has quickened the spirit of evangelism among youth in GKMI. The Neo-Revival Movement which invited preachers such as John Sung, Dzao Tze Kwang etc. has given birth to a new missionary generation among the youth. They organized groups and were motivated to serve. Among the active group was the youth group of GKMI Bangsri, which was called Sangkakala Family (Keluarga Sangkakala). The development of the ministry among the youth seemed unaccomodated by seniors in GKMI circle. Then Sangkakala Family began to hold a service once in a week. The service aimed at fanning into flame the ministry zeal. They also organized more dynamic and creative ministry activities. Yet in other hand, from GKMI circle, the fellowship and service developed by Sangkakala Family was regarded wild-sectarian fellowship which decrease the number of GKMI members.

The climax of parting of ways between GKMI and Sangkakala Fellowship happened at the Malam Oikumene (Ecumenical Night), on 1-3 March 1979 in Semarang. The program drew not less than 400 youth. They repented and dedicated their hearts to believe in Christ. Five months later, there was a Revival service that invited Ev. Jeremia Rim as preacher. There are 2186 persons that accepted new life. Since then there were revival services in Kudus, Pati, Tayu, Jepara, Salatiga, Magelang, Yogyakarta Surakarta and other areas as well as surrounding villages.

The movement increases in number, and was realized that it need a legal organization to protect it. It is impossible to take GKMI name, since the youth movement was outside of GKMI Synod’s structure and program. They like to take name of interdenominational fellowship. Yet after they has certain pattern and vision, they organize a foundation. That’s why on 1 November 1979, the Sangkakala Foundation was listed to the Department of Religion of Republic Indonesia Central Java Office, No. L.K/5/179.79 and on 4 May 1983 the Sangkakala Foundation was affirmed by the Department of Religion of Republic Indonesia Central Office at Jakarta, No. Y/H/068/83.

The foundation aimed at Evangelism and Social Ministry, which must be understood in a broad sense. As the time went on, they shape their vision at implanting new churches, schools, medical clinic, etc.

There is then urgent needs to be a mature church, for people who were the fruit of Sangkakala Ministry were to be nurtured and got further ministry. Thus, on 4 March 1979 at the house of Mrs. R. E. Christiani in Ungaran, sacrament of baptism was held to new born people. That was the foundation of Jemaat Kristen Indonesia (JKI). They use name of JKI Marantha. Its first members are 40. And service was held at 107 Gatot Subroto St., in the house of Mr. Sugiharto. In the month of March, 1983, the congregation bought a large building on 21 Brigjen Sudiarto St., and the building was used as church building up to now.

Fellowships that flourished due to evangelism and movie ministries, and became mature JKI churches are Sampeten Fellowship (Boyolali), Banyumanik (Semarang), Kelet (Jepara), Semarang and even reaches the Los Angeles (USA).


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