Saturday, January 27, 2007

What Is Forgiveness? (1)

God has taught me some hard lessons about forgiveness, since forgiveness is:


There is no forgiveness in the cheap little game of looking the other way when wrong is done. Forgiveness never just overlooks or winks at sin. It does not make light of a wrong. It is no bit of pious pretending that evil is not really evil. Forgiveness is not mere politeness, tact or diplomacy!

Nor is it just forgetting. Oh, you will forget when you truly forgive. But to insist that forgetting comes first is to make passing the final exam the entrance requirement for the course. How often you’ve been told to “forget and forgive.” And then kicked yourself because you couldn’t! The more you tried to forget, the better your memory!

Just as the man with insomnia, attempting to stop the mad race of his mind, finds that the more he tries to silence his thoughts, the swifter they fly.

So the person who struggles blindly to forget only sears the thought more deeply into his memory.

Forgetting is the result of complete forgiveness; it is never the means. It is the final step, not the first.

Never say, “Forget it; it’s nothing!”

To avoid or to overlook evil is basically dishonest. Most people seem to prefer dishonestly on such matters, though, so no wonder forgiveness is rare!

Forgiveness is rare because it is (to [2])

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