Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Hymn of St. Francis


Highest, all powerful, good Lord,
Thine is the praise, the glory and the honour,
And every blessing.
They belong to Thee alone.
And no [one] is worthy to speak Thy Name.

So, praised be Thou, My Lord, in all Thy creatures,
Especially Sir Brother Sun,
Who maketh the day and enlighteneth us through Thee.
He is lovely and radiant and grand;
And he heralds Thee, his Most High Lord.

Praised be Thou, my Lord, for Sister Moon
And for the stars.
Thou have hung them in heaven shining and precious and fair
And praise to Thee, my Lord, in Brother Wind,
In air and in cloud, calm, and every weather
That sustains Thy creatures.

Praised be Thou, my Lord, for our Sister Water,
So very useful, humble precious and chaste.

Yea, and praise unto Thee, my Lord, for Brother Fire,
Through him Thou illumine our night,
And he is handsome and merry, robust and strong.

Praised be Thou, my Lord, for our Sister, Mother Earth,
Who nourishes us and teaches us,
Bringing forth all kinds of fruits and coloured flowers and herbs.

O, and praise be unto Thee, my Lord,
For those who forgive one another in Thy love,
And who bear sickness and trials,
Blessed are they who live on in peace,
For they will be crowned by Thee, Most High!

Praise unto Thee, my Lord, for our Sister bodily death,
From whom no living man may escape:
How dreadful for those who die in sin,
How lovely for those who are found in Your Most Holy Will,
For the second death can do them no harm.

O praise and bless my Lord,
Thank Him and serve Him
Humbly but grandly!

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